Monday, November 25, 2013

Easy, inexpensive dog food.

So, my mother in law casually mentioned making dog food with ground turkey and frozen veggies one day and started a quest for me. For the last 18+ mos I've adjusted the recipe and, with help from my mom, perfected a sort of assembly line for making the food and feeding the dog. Our current method is 6 lbs ground turkey, one can sliced carrots, one can shredded beets and one can potatoes (sliced, diced, mashed lol), two eggs, 4-6 cloves garlic, minced and occasionally I throw in cooked brown rice, chopped pasta, bread crumbs, etc. I do not always use a grain and vary depending on what is available as leftovers or in the pantry. Dogs don't need the grain and the root veggies are good for the vitamins and fiber. I mash all the ingredients together in a big bowl, press it into a 9x13 pan, place this on a cookie sheet and bake at 425 for 40-60 mins until the internal temp reaches 140• Fahrenheit. Allow to cool, slice into individual portions. My dog is 7 lbs so I get about 20-25 meals from this recipe. Wrap in wax, plastic, parchment or foil and freeze. I pull out two portions each night for the next day's meals and microwave for a few seconds to take the chill off. My Husband has a cute habit of adding cheese, sour cream, or even part of our meal - gravy, potatoes etc. Kibbles is a lucky dog and he treats us well in return. We love you Kibbles!!!!

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