Coconut Oil Is probably my favorite product on the planet. I had never heard of it before my mother in law gave us a bottle for Christmas - this was about two years ago. Now, I use it daily in many different areas of the kitchen, bath and bed rooms. Coconut Oil smells marvelous, feels so soft on my skin, tastes yummy in my coffee, is a delicious ingredient for homemade candy (buckeye people should switch), great spread on my toast or waffles, is a super boo-boo salve for my baby's busted chin, is awesome on a mild diaper rash, washes away the dirt on my face, conditions my hair, nourishes my skin after a shower, is the reason my handmade deodorant is so awesome, sautés garlic and kale amazingly & is even condom safe (yep) and a whole plethora fun ;)
Oil Pulling -
whiten your teeth, prevent/reverse tooth decay, and
inhibits the growth of streptococcus
Solid Hand Lotion - nourishes and creates a layer on your skin
protecting from infection
Facial Cleanser/Moisturizer - leaves skin feeling smooth and may
fight those tiny lines around the eye
Kitchen Fun - pop it in a hot pan and fry a couple organic, free range eggs in it, spread it on some toast, drop in a hot cup of coffee.
Lowers Bad Cholesterol - "Coconut oil has a saturated fat called lauric acid, a type of MCT. It has been shown that lauric acid increases the good HDL cholesterol in the blood to help improve cholesterol ratio levels. Coconut oil lowers cholesterol by promoting its conversion to pregnenolone, a molecule that is a precursor to many of the hormones our bodies need."
Helps Improve Thyroid Function - "The medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also help in rebuilding cell membranes and increasing the enzyme production that assists in promoting the conversion of thyroid hormones for use by the body (T4 to T3)."
Personal Lubricant - silky smooth, melts on contact, smells sensational, fights candida and is condom safe!
I recently made a coconut oil based deodorant and coconut meltables and sent a few to friends and family. Pics below!
Place all ingredients in a gallon size zip-close baggie, squeeze out the air, zip it closed and mash away! The heat of your hands will warm and soften the coconut oil and infuse the other ingredients. When it is about the consistency of butter cream icing, clip the corner of the baggie off and use it like an icing bag to squeeze it in your glass jar! This amount lasts my husband and I about two months. This time around I made a double batch, twisted the end of the baggie with a rubber band and put in it a dark cabinet. It's already solid and won't leak out. If you live in warmer climates be sure to keep it in a cool, dark place as it's melting point is 74-76 degrees Fahrenheit. Some even suggest the fridge but I haven't been using it in the warm season as of yet, so I cannot comment!

These are great for all kinds of things: drop it in your morning coffee, use it to wash your
face & moisturize after a bath, condition your hair, solid lotion bar
(keep in your purse), lip moisturizer, next to your bed to smooth under
your eyes (helps fight those tiny lines), as a personal lubricant
(condom safe and fights candida), place it on a hot waffle or toast,
melt it in a hot pan and fry an egg...
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