Here are a few variations I've created, and they've all worked nicely :)
coconut oil: almond oil: beeswax,
coconut oil: coconut oil: beeswax,
coconut oil: almond oil: cocoa butter
Pop all the ingredients in a microwave safe dish to melt. Begin with 30 seconds and only blast at 10 second intervals until melted - this is to avoid overheating*. stir occasionally and carefully to avoid incorporating to many bubbles. Once ingredients are melted, stir in essential oils (approx 30 drops per 8 oz lip balm mixture) and pour into lip tubes or pots. Allow to cool at least 20 mins before moving or using. Enjoy!!
*Too much heat can cause the butters and waxes to fracture which creates tiny shards in the final product. Not pleasant! Not smooth! Not what I want! Patience isn't my strongest personality feature BUT worth it for this project. :)
Coconut oil becomes liquid around 72 degrees Fahrenheit so don't leave near a heat source or in your car!
I currently have peppermint in stock and am working on a citrus and a vanilla so check back soon!